Ezoic, Earn More with Your Website [Ezoic Review 2021]
Google Adsense is the best ad network out there. But there are an infinite number of possibilities with Adsense ad placement. And a small difference like size or location can mean a huge income difference. You can test with this yourself, but if you don’t feel like it or have the time, ad networks offer a chance to work with best practices from others. Our own experience we had with Ezoic, made us write the below review. For Spicywebhost.com Ezoic helped improve the earnings per visitor while we could focus on our content.
Ad Networks
The biggest disadvantage of ad networks is the entry requirement that is attached to your visitor numbers. Mediavine is a strong network that takes all your advertising off your hands and has relatively low entry requirements, 25,000 visits (not to be confused with the much higher page views) per month. Most other good networks are well above that. They get a percentage of your revenue, but get that out of it too.
Here Comes the Ezoic Review
Ezoic works a little differently than the other ad networks:
- It’s free. You don’t pay a percentage. After a trial period, Ezoic gets a small ad in the footer of your site, which is where they get their revenue.
- The entry requirement is lower than Mediavine (10,000 sessions), but there is no human customization involved.
- Ezoic is a Certified Google Partner. It also collaborates with Adsense to offer you the best experience and income results.
Ezoic uses artificial intelligence to test all sorts of different ad settings live on your site. Ezoic does not only looks at settings with the highest income, but also at user-friendliness: are more people leaving your site quickly? Are there times when more people are looking? It even calculates the influence of weather on click behavior. You can also choose to have only part of your traffic go through Ezoic, so you can see the difference with your current settings.

Ezoic and Adsense
Ezoic is a partner of Adsense, so you’ll continue to see many ads from Adsense, but they also have their own ad network. The price of ads is determined based on bids, you can imagine that more possible bids will result in a higher price.
Your earnings for the Ezoic portion of your site go through Ezoic. The options for payment are therefore a bit smaller, it is a stock exchange or Paypal. What is nice is that you can determine yourself from what limit you get paid, with a minimum of $20. Much earlier than Adsense (70 euros).
How does Ezoic work?
You can enable Ezoic through your nameservers, a WordPress plug-in or a script. In the Dashboard, you specify ad spots to test, and the formats you want to test in those spots. Specifying many spots is advantageous: they will not all be filled and you can specify a maximum of ads per page. Many formats also has an advantage, you will just see that everyone clicks on an ad format you never expected. Next, you specify what percentage of your traffic you want to use as test livestock. I set mine at 50%.
If you “wrap” your ads that you already have, Ezoic will also test those spots that you have already chosen. Wrapping is wrapping, you throw a piece of code above and below your adsense code. By wrapping properly, you won’t get an overload of ads, because the test audience won’t also get to see your placed ads. And the portion of your traffic that you don’t route through Ezoic will still see the ads you already had.

The disadvantages
- You no longer have complete control over how the ads look. The bad variants will disappear on their own, but in the meantime you have to sit on your hands.
- Ezoic sets a lot of cookies. Many more than you would place yourself. They do supply a privacy app and a comprehensive personalized privacy policy.
- Your cache apps won’t work with Ezoic. They do have their own cache and CDN service, but count on saying goodbye to your own lightning-fast optimization.
- There are still some plugins that don’t go along with this ad network, especially free backup plugins, some seo plugins and related-articles plugins (unless they have their own cache). So taking Ezoic means giving things up and letting go. Alternative apps do come in return.
Does Ezoic work?
In the first days, Ezoic kicked in, and the result was mind-blowing. After a significant dip, Ezoic started to take on steady but secure increasing our Ad revenue by 400% in income on our sites. So yes, Ezoic truly works, and you better start today if you haven’t. Better late than sorry.
Get Started With EzoicAverage EPMV of 10$ is a true Ezoic’s promise.

On top of that, the support is outstanding. You may contact your account manager or support team when you have questions or have issues. They respond quickly and are friendly, helpful people. On top of that Ezoic is hosting a weekly Q&A and live webinars.
Lay-out Testing
In addition to testing ads, Ezoic also allows you to test your layout. If you are not as attached to your layout as I am with my sites that reach (well) over ten thousand sessions, it is worth a try to test different templates and all possible setting combinations automatically and permanently for user friendliness. And what it gets you, of course.